I am the son of a successful businessman who taught me about investments and money. When I found out about Wise Money Israel through a friend and my congregation, I discovered the world of Israeli investment — and what a world it is, too!

Israel has amazing financial promise along with being, as Larry Kudlow would say, “Very growth-y.” A dear Israeli friend of mine, getting her MBA in America, says Israel is the best place to invest. It is a lender nation, a “start-up” country and it is wise to invest in a land that has already made big economic strides in all kinds of areas.

Investing is like a garden — in order for it to grow and flourish, you have to manage it well. The guys at WMI are very conscientious, educated and skilled in the task.

Investing in Israel is a unique opportunity for anyone and I would encourage those who invest, to strongly consider investing through Wise Money Israel.

Kent, Wise Money Israel Investor

    My name is Connie. I have been with Wise Money Israel for over 10 years.

    Here is my story: my husband passed away in 2011. I received some money, and I wanted to invest some of it. I didn't know much about investing and felt unsure about investing in America. I contemplated investing in Israel. I also asked God for guidance.

    When I went to Israel to visit my friend, Hazel, I was sure she and her husband could give me helpful ideas, but they just laughed and said they had no idea how to help me in this situation.

    Then something unusual happened. The next day a friend of Hazel came to visit. Hazel casually asked the friend what her son was doing these days and the friend stated that he is the CEO of a firm which helps Americans to invest in Israel. Hazel and I were stunned. I saw it as an answer to my prayers. Thank God!!

    To make a long story short: Evan and his staff helped me step by step with the whole process, they were very patient and they still are. I trust them 100%. Evan helped me to diversify to have a good return but also be a safe investor due to market fluctuations. When I needed to pull some money out of my account to buy a car the process was very easy and fast.

    I'm very pleased with Wise Money Israel and I recommend them to friends and family.

    Connie, Wise Money Israel Investor

      As an Israeli citizen who made aliyah from the U.S.. I began years ago to rethink our investment strategy.

      At that point I looked into Wise Money Israel, having long known Evan Liberman and having greeted him upon his arrival in Israel. That made it exciting to watch the development of Wise Money from a “start-up” to becoming a well-established investment house. We had confidence in bringing our assets over and placing them with WMI.

      This has enabled us both to support and to benefit from the dynamic economic environment of Israel. Our lives are invested in the rebirth and revival of this nation, fulfilling the words of our prophets. So, how could we not also invest our earthly resources at the same time.

      The one firm I can trust with these valuable funds and the material future of my family is Wise Money Israel. I am enthused to recommend their services.

      Eitan, Wise Money Israel Investor

        As a teacher, I teach my students to trust, but verify, and encourage them to evaluate the effectiveness and efficacy of life choices...especially when it comes to finances.

        When it finally came time to making decisions on how to secure my financial future, as with all things, I turned to Scripture. God's commands Believers to bless Israel and to bless the Jewish people. He promises, in return, to bless those who do. The answer then was simple: invest in Israel. Doing so demonstrates our faith in the promises of God and is a witness of Christian solidarity with Israel.

        When researching where and how to invest in Israel, Evan Liberman and his team at Wise Money Israel (WMI) simply "checked all the boxes." After 5 years with Evan and WMI, my family and I have been blessed knowing that our money is not only being watched over and guided by faithful stewards, but is being used biblically to bless His Land and His People.

        Our portfolio continues to grow, as does our love for Israel and what WMI has done for us. Responsive, responsible and respectful, we cannot more strongly encourage others to be a part of WMI.

        Gregory, Wise Money Israel Investor

          As Believers, we have always been supporters of God’s people, the Jews, and His Land, Israel. We realized though, that while we supported Israel and believed God’s promises to them, it was time to make a stand that not only blessed them but let us invest our money that showed our support in a tangible way.

          Several years ago we were made aware of Evan Liberman and Wise Money Israel and we have been on board ever since.

          Wise Money Israel has provided a way for us to stand by our Biblical beliefs while investing our money. They have always been professional while providing personal advice on our investments.

          We highly recommend Evan Liberman and his staff at Wise Money Israel for anyone looking to wisely invest while aligning with God’s Word. It’s a wonderful investment opportunity!

          Gene and Paula, Investors with Wise Money Israel

            During my lifetime I grew to realize the need to diversify my holdings and as a follower of Jesus and God’s Word, the Bible, I found counsel and wisdom to do just that in chapter 11:1-2 of the book of Ecclesiastes.

            Also, over the years, I became increasingly concerned with the US debt-driven, reckless-spending and fiat-money policies. About 12 years ago I retired from farming and needed to invest money to carry me through the rest of my life. It was then that an elderly Christian friend of mine, a genuine “rocket science” engineer, recommended WMI.

            The rigorous process of opening an account in Israel impressed me. That gave me confidence that Israeli monetary policies are set up to provide security for my money. Having visited the country 51 years ago (6 months prior to the 1973 Yom Kippur war) and then the WMI office and staff 4 years ago, I felt safe both trips.

            I have grown to love the people and land that Jesus walked. These past years with WMI and interaction with the staff have been a solid, enjoyable time. They understand investing in Israel, they know the laws and protection of my assets.

            As well, I have been pleased to enjoy a solid return on my investment through them. I heartily recommend that believers in Jesus give serious consideration to investing in the land that Jesus walked - and died to purchase our freedom without gold or silver, but by the greatest of assets, His precious blood.

            Russ, Wise Money Israel Investor

              As a believer, when I came to understand more fully the promises of God to Israel, His covenant both to the people and to the Land, I began to understand that this IS the place that he chose to Place His Name; that He has “chosen Zion as His dwelling place forever”, Psalm 132:13-14. It became almost an obsession with me to align myself with the God of Israel. I am not Jewish, but I understand that I am grafted into the family of Abraham through the Messiah, so I want to love what He loves. He loves the Land that He personally chose for the People who are called by His Name. He has promised to bless those who align with Him by blessing His people.

              I started looking for ways to move my investments from the U. S. to Israel and in my research I found Evan Liberman who had founded W.M.I. Wise Money Israel.  It took me two years of prayer, because everyone I talked to here in the states, and my then financial investor told me he, "would be scared to death to make that move.” The big thing for me was to align my money with my faith. I knew I wanted to do this, no one I knew was doing this, so it was not like I was jumping on a bandwagon. In fact, I felt very alone and unsupported in making this decision. It was important for me to have my money invested in the Land that God chose. It was a leap of faith, but one I have no regret doing. I actually made the change in 2014

              I thought maybe my investments wouldn't be as lucrative, but it was more important to me to have “clean” money.  I love that about WMI, if there is any doubt as to the morality of a company, they will not put my money in it.

              If you believe that God will never again send His people out of the Land and that He has promised to bless them double when they returned, (just as they receive double the punishment for not keeping His Torah) then it only makes sense, even as a financial gamble to put your investments in God's Land. But, to me, it is much more than that, not a gamble, but a demonstration of my faith in the Creator.

              As believers, I would encourage everyone  to look deep in their heart and study the Scriptures; see if God is speaking to you to consider aligning your money with your faith.

              WMI has proven to be a trustworthy, God fearing company. I highly recommend them.

              Leslie, Wise Money Israel Investor

                As a man of faith I have endeavored to align my life with the Bible. Seeking investment opportunities that reflected my values was not an easy task to accomplish, until Wise Money Israel was recommended to me.

                Meeting with Evan Liberman and reviewing my future financial goals built assurance that I was “on the right bus and in the right seat.”  Evan’s team has a professionalism that I could align my investments with, as I’ve seen my portfolio continue to grow. Over the years his open communication, clear direction, and wise approach to investing in Israeli enterprises has given me the confidence that I’m part of building up the nation of Israel. How satisfying this is!

                Thank you Evan for navigating your team with today’s financial strategies for me.

                Name withheld for privacy reasons, Wise Money Israel Investor

                  As a Bible believing Christian, I found it difficult to find good investment choices that aligned with biblical values. There are a multitude of reasons why I chose to invest with Wise Money Israel. 

                  First and foremost was that it honored God. I wanted to support Israel against the anti-Semitic actions of the BDS movement. They were trying to strangle Israel financially. God clearly says to Abraham in Genesis 12:3 that I will bless those who bless you and I will curse those who curse you. I wanted to please God and support Israel in their time of need.

                  I opened an account back in March 2017, transferring my IRA under Wise Money Israel's management. I talked with them and found them to … have the same biblical values that I had. For example, as a pharmacist, I knew that TEVA pharmaceuticals produced one of the first abortion pills and marketed it worldwide. I brought this up with Wise Money Israel, and found that they were already on it. Not only did they not invest in TEVA pharmaceuticals, but they did not invest in any questionable companies that would oppose biblical values. They were very helpful (and patient) in walking me through the steps of opening an account overseas. Now the Time Weighted Return on that account is 40% based on US dollars. And that even among all the wars!

                  This leads to the second reason. I know the way the US is printing money; $35 trillion debt aside from Medicaid, Medicare, SSI, etc., inflation is snowballing, it's obvious the dollar is devaluating. I wanted to get some of my assets out of the dollar and into the Israeli shekel and now I couldn't be happier about it.

                  By 2022 I opened another account. That was a non-retirement account. I have come to trust these honest people. I've had lunch with Evan Liberman twice now here in the states. He is a man of integrity and skill... I started out wanting to help Israel and stand by Israel as a Bible believing Christian and what happened, God … used … Jews to be a blessing to me.

                  I pray for Israel a lot, as well as that many in the Middle East would turn to the Messiah, yet with my investing I could support Israel materially in addition.

                  David, Wise Money Israel Investor

                    As a strong Believer in the Messiah (Jesus) of Israel, I follow the Bible daily. I know that The Word tells us to invest our money that He has given us.

                    When I discovered Wise Money Israel, I knew this was the right firm I was to invest with. I attended a seminar hosted by Evan Liberman and learned about the profound impact of investing in Israel. Guided by their expertise, I started investing in Israeli companies.

                    Not only did my portfolio grow, but I also experienced a deep sense of fulfillment knowing my finances were supporting God's chosen people.

                    Today, I encourage all believers to consider this path.  It's not just an investment; it's a spiritual journey that brings blessings and it honors God.

                    Dee, Wise Money Israel Investor

                      We as Jewish believers in Yeshua find that God's Word is the motivating factor in everything that we do. Genesis 12:3 tells us that those who bless Israel will be blessed of God. Where we invest our money reflects where are hearts are concerning Israel, the Jewish people, and the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  We have so much joy in our hearts knowing that our money is being used to bless Israel through Wise Money Israel.

                      We have been working with Evan Liberman for the past ten years, and we have been blessed mightily through our Israeli investments. Evan has shown himself to be an expert in the field of finance and is extremely knowledgeable.

                      We want to encourage you, as believers in Yeshua, to prayerfully consider investing with Wise Money Israel because it honors God. We believe that we made the best decision for our family by investing with Wise Money Israel.

                      Steve, Robbin & Patricia, Investors with Wise Money Israel