The prominent credit rating agency Fitch Ratings released recently an overview of Israel’s economic outlook for investors indicating a potential upgrade of the country’s credit rating from its current A+ status. According to the report, the near-term outlook is displaying promising signs of improvement, despite recent market volatility and ongoing …
More Than a Virtue – When Patience Pays Off
Israel is famous for being a Start Up Nation, creating product used worldwide in various fields. From biotech to irrigation technology, from computer chips to Artificial Intelligence. The breakthroughs in many areas have blessed consumers around the globe. A Unique Business Environment Another aspect of Israeli society, however, is not …
Streams of Soda in the Desert
One of our best stock picks in 2018 was the Israeli beverage company SodaStream. On August 20th, 2018, American beverage giant PepsiCo signed a deal to acquire the Israeli home seltzer machine producer SodaStream for $3.2 billion. Following International Flavors & Fragrances’ acquisition of Frutarom in May, this is now the second time …
Using Military Tech In Creating Safer Driving Experience
With the self-driving vehicles revolution gathering momentum, high-tech firms continue to explore ways to achieve a competitive edge in the highly lucrative automotive industry. Recent advancements indicate that the global automobile market is likely to experience some dramatic changes in the near future. The area that has been receiving growing attention, however, …
A Compelling Case for Israel
When considering the most innovative and business-oriented nations, Israel is not the most likely candidate that comes to mind. In fact, many would even struggle to identify it on a map. Moreover, to put things into the right perspective, Israel’s territory and population are approximately the size of the State …